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Price Match Guarantee

We are excited to introduce a brand new feature exclusively for orders placed on our website: our 3-Month Price Match Guarantee! At Morden Fort, we strive to provide you with the best possible value for your furniture purchases, and we are committed to ensuring your complete satisfaction.

Here's how our exclusive 3-Month Price Match Guarantee works:

If you find that the price of an item you purchased directly from our website has dropped within three months of your purchase date, we will be delighted to offer you a partial refund for the price difference.

We understand that getting the best deal is important to you, and we want you to feel confident that you are receiving exceptional value when shopping with us. Our 3-Month Price Match Guarantee gives you peace of mind, knowing that if the price of the item you purchased decreases within the specified timeframe, we will gladly refund you the difference.

To take advantage of our 3-Month Price Match Guarantee, simply follow these simple steps:

  1. Monitor our website regularly for any price reductions on the item(s) you have purchased.

  2. Should you find that the price of the same item(s) has dropped within three months of your purchase, please contact our dedicated customer service team at Morden Fort. Provide them with the details of your original purchase and the current lower price.

  3. Our customer service team will review your request and, upon verification, process a partial refund for the price difference directly to your original payment method.

Please note that this price match guarantee is applicable only to purchases made directly through our website. It does not extend to orders placed through other platforms or authorized retailers. We encourage you to take advantage of our official website to benefit from this exclusive offer.

At Morden Fort, we are dedicated to providing you with an exceptional shopping experience and the best value for your investment. Our 3-Month Price Match Guarantee is a testament to our commitment to your satisfaction and our confidence in offering competitive prices.

Thank you for choosing Morden Fort as your preferred destination for furniture. We appreciate your continued support, and we look forward to serving you with unparalleled value and exceptional customer service.